Organization & Information

Please be aware that as of the academic year 2023/24  this specific choice of programme at Innsbruck Elementary School (IES) will only be available for students attending our current 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades. International students joining these existing classes will follow the programme as well.

Students joining our first grades in the academic year 2023/24 and in future will follow the programme of the Accredited European School Tirol (AES-Tirol). For further information please follow the link below:


What your child needs for Afternoon Club:

  • Drinking bottle (labelled with name)
  • A second “backup” mask in their schoolbag
  • Slippers (Hausschuhe) for the Afternoon Club. Thus, each child needs 2 pairs of slippers in the school (one pair for school lessons upstairs and one pair for the Afternoon Club) downstairs.
  • Reserve clothing for children in the first and second grades.
  • Weather-appropriate clothing: Rain jacket and pants, waterproof footwear and when it snows a waterproof ski suit or waterproof pants and jacket, gloves, hats

Be sure to put your child’s name on everything!
(Slippers, rain jacket and pants, shoes, ski suit, waterproof trousers and jacket, gloves, hat, reserve clothing, etc.)


Change / Cancellation of Subscription (including lunch cancellation):

De-registration of a child for lunch must always be done the day before their absence by 10:00am at the latest: Please contact Mrs. Mitterer Claudia by SMS or SchoolFoxApp on school days from 8:00am ( Tel: 0680/3210078, Email: cla [dot] mitterer [at] tsn [dot] at )

If the lunch is not cancelled on time, it will be ordered and must therefore be charged.

Note: If a child will be picked up immediately after their morning class or during class (i.e. before Afternoon Club starts), then please always inform the respective Afternoon Club teacher via their phone (at the latest by 11:30am) on the respective day!! Otherwise, the child will be considered missing and must be searched for.


For your child’s attendance at the Afternoon Club, the following amounts are billable 10 times per year (from September to June respectively)

per month               Children registered for Club between 1-2 days


€35,00 per month               Children registered for Club between 3-5 days

€5,10 per meal                The monthly cost of lunch will be based
                                       on the actual number of meals
                                       consumed by your child


€6,30 per month                 Addition administration surcharge


Any queries relating to invoicing should please be directed to Stadt Innsbruck: Frau Barbara Parth, Tel: 0512 5360 4213

There is a possibility to apply for cost reduction for families that fall under a certain income threshold. You can receive the relevant forms from either Mrs. Claudia Mitterer or at the Principal’s office.Deadline for submitting this form is 2zth September 2021.

A change in the cost model for the Afternoon Club (i.e. from 1-2 days to 3-5 days or vice versa) is only possible at the end of each month.

Completely de-registering your child from the Afternoon Club is only possible at the end of each semester.

Mobile phones & Smartwatches

We ask for your understanding that mobile phones and smartwatches are not permitted to be used during Afternoon Club.
Please communicate with your child using the telephone number of your child's Club teacher.

During School Holidays:

Registration for the holiday care (“Ferienbetreuung”) during the autumn, Christmas, semester and Easter holidays will be communicated in advance via SchoolFox.

This holiday care takes place at 3 different school locations in Innsbruck.